Sunday, December 11, 2011


Welcome, stranger and friend, to my big, weird, wonderful blog! A travel blog full of food, humor, and general weirdness. After all, there's so much to see in this world, why would you not experience it?

This blog is based on a few basic truths that I hold to be self evident, and noble, and grand, and...well, generally just good ideas.

First and foremost!

1) Life is innately funny. 

Things are going to happen in life that just don't make sense. They are going to take that neat little idea of your life that you have packaged safely in your head and dayplanner and drop-kick it off a really. big. cliff. This is what makes life so damn interesting and fun to live! If you can get over that panic response as you watch all your neat little plans splatter, you might notice that they form the exact shape of a tap-dancing giraffe at the bottom. Don't take things too seriously, because they sure won't do the same for you. Smile!! :)

2) People rock.

To quote singer Regina Spektor, "People are just people, they shouldn't make you nervous!". Every person you pass on the street and give that blank, polite half smile might be your new best friend. They've done things in their life you couldn't imagine. They have a new perspective that you've never considered. They have a really funny story about that one time they tried to feed a monkey at the zoo a maple donut and got arrested. If you walk around avoiding eye contact and being afraid to speak to the people around you, you will NEVER GET TO HEAR THAT AWESOME STORY!! And it's a good one, trust me.

3) Be thankful.

This is probably the best advice I can give anyone. This simple statement, two little words, has changed my life from a rather unfortunate mess to one I am excited to wake up to every damn day. I went from being cold over-boiled oatmeal to French toast with a big pile of strawberries and whip cream! (No offense if you prefer the over-boiled oatmeal. Although I do question your good taste.) If you can truly take this simple idea to heart you will see everything in your life in a new way. Did you wake up today? You're reading this blog, so short of being some sort of freakish medical anomaly, yes you did. BE THANKFUL! You are breathing! Air!! It's exciting!! Every time you experience something that doesn't suck, even something as simple as a deep breath, give thanks. And when something does inevitably suck, give thanks that you have the opportunity to learn from it.

I leave you with these things to consider, and all of my love and good wishes. :)

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