Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I'm Still Alive!

Hello everyone! I know it's been way too long since the last post, and I do apologize. It would be nearly impossible to backfill all of the things that have happened since my last post, so I'll do a short summary:

We made it all the way to North Carolina! We both decided at this point that we'd had enough. It was too darn cold and we were ready to get back to school. We went back and forth for a bit and decided on Phoenix, Arizona as our final landing place! Fast forward a couple weeks, we flew back to Washington for a quick visit with the family, threw the rest of our meager belongings in a UHaul and motored back down to Arizona.

Now, we are set up in a great apartment in Tempe. I am enrolled in the Professional Massage Therapist program at Arizona School of Massage Therapy. I absolutely love it! I will be graduating in October of 2014, and hopefully starting my own business shortly after. Money is tight, but luckily we're used to that. ;)

Dave has been working on getting our assorted vehicles up to snuff. Sadly, the time has come for Charlie the Wondervan the bring some motorized joy to a new family. We'll be putting him up for sale any day now. Dave plans to work for a while, and then enroll at Arizona State University for Mechanical Engineering.

This blog will most likely not be updated very ofter while I'm in school, as my hands are totally full. I'd love it if you could all take a peek at my new business website:


Thank you so much to everyone who has come along with us on this journey in spirit!! Your support means the world. I miss you all dearly and wish you all the best.

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