Saturday, December 28, 2013

12-28-13 - Texas, part 2.

Dave and I finally arrived at his mother's house in Alvarado, Texas, exhausted and disheartened. His mother and brother live here, as well as 5 horses and 5 dogs. We spent Christmas together, and several days after.

Dave's mother loves horses dearly. She rides in and judges drill competitions and has even been published. She's an accomplished back country horse woman and teaches classes on the "leave no trace" camping techniques.

Their family was originally from Washington, and we watched some old family videos on our last night in Alvarado. The dark, mist coated pines and still lakes pierced me deeper than I ever thought possible, and left a single, lonely word echoing around my mind: home. Only a month on the road, and already homesick? Some world traveler I've turned out to be.

I find myself struggling for the right words here in Texas. It is a place within my own country, yet worlds apart from the one I have known, and I try to see the beauty that must lie here somewhere. For now I will leave you with pictures to speak more eloquently than I can, in the hopes that you can form your own impressions.

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