Tuesday, March 3, 2015

One Year

Last week marked one year of living in sunny Tempe, Arizona. Charlie the Wondervan has been sold to a German couple who promised to put him to good and gentle use befitting his venerable celebrity status. Jax the Dog has settled in to the apartment life and spends his days napping, passing gas, napping some more, and consuming kibble. It really is a dog's life.

I have been working as a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) at a Chiropractor's office in a nearby town. It has been a relief to have a base of operations and to sit still for a while, but as the one year mark passes I find myself feeling the pull of far off places tugging at my heartstrings once more.

Luckily, Arizona has an incredibly long outdoor season, ranging from October to late April, and possibly longer depending on your tolerance for heat. I have been backpacking and exploring every inch of the local surroundings that I can.

The landscape is stunning and varied, with rocky shards of mountain thrusting to the sky right along rolling plains of Saguaro and Cholla cacti. On one early morning hike I was lucky enough to catch sight of two Bighorn Sheep crossing the path.

Although I am thankful to have the time to rest up and recover, I can't help but be drawn by all the endless opportunities that are out there. The sedentary life is just not for me, not now. Raising the financial resources to travel will always be the great challenge. Although travel can be free or even cheap, certain bills and obligations do not stand still. For now my energy is focused on how to save enough to travel while still feeding the ever-hungry banking beast. I have considered Americorps and other options, but so far have not made a decision.

For now I have been doing some backpacking, both solo and with friends, to help ease the mental struggle of staying put, and to enjoy this beautiful desert environment.